Radio Free Asia announces its 52nd QSL card. This latest design commemorates the 2014 Winter Olmpiad in Sochi, Russia which will be held February 7-23., 2014. The Games always bring people together from around the world in peace and harmony to respect universal moral principles. This new design shows an adaption of Radio Free Asia's Olympic pin, as created by RFA's Brian Powell, originally used for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This latest version adds a sable cap to the panda design. The QSL design is used to confirm all valid reception reports from January 1 - March 31, 2014
RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news and information to listeners in Asian countries where full, accurate, and timely news reports are unavailable. Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA currently broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin, the Wu dialect, Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial content. As a ‘surrogate’ broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at www.rfa.org.
Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America.