Schloter’s wife – from whom he had separated – and his sister addressed the congregation. His wife recalled the good times they had spent together and read out messages from the couple’s children.
News of Schloter’s death had been greeted with great dismay and sadness. Swisscom received hundreds of condolence messages, said spokeswoman Annina Wish, demonstrating “how popular Carsten Schloter was and how much he was valued.”
On Monday at 9 a.m. Swisscom employees throughout the country observed a minute of silence for their former director. A delayed version of the memorial service was broadcast over the company’s Intranet. And on Tuesday, members of the company’s executive board will participate in a roundtable discussion in Schloter’s memory.
The press was filled with tributes in the week following Schloter’s death.
On Monday at 9 a.m. Swisscom employees throughout the country observed a minute of silence for their former director. A delayed version of the memorial service was broadcast over the company’s Intranet. And on Tuesday, members of the company’s executive board will participate in a roundtable discussion in Schloter’s memory.
The press was filled with tributes in the week following Schloter’s death.
Schloter, a German citizen, joined Swisscom in 2000 as the head of its mobile communications division, and had served as Swisscom’s CEO since 2006. The Swiss government is the main shareholder of the private company, which has more than 19,000 employees