Voice Of Russia


The Voice of Russia was the first radio station to broadcast internationally. On the air since October 29th 1929, VOR has been shaping Russia’s image worldwide and introducing Russia to the world and highlighting its opinions on global events.

Today VOR broadcasts to 160 countries in 38 languages for a total of 151 hours per day, on short and medium waves, in the FM band, via satellite and through global mobile communications network. In 2003 VOR was among the major international radio broadcasters to launch daily broadcasts to Europe in Digital Radio Mondiale.

VOR programs are broadcast to the USA through satellite channels of the global network, by cable, in the FM band, and through mobile communicatiion links in 16 states. VOR is among the world's top five radio broadcasters which include the BBC, the Voice of America, Deutsche Welle and Radio France International. According to a survey carried out by International Media Help (Switzerland) among radio listeners in 50 countries, VOR is the third in popularity after the BBC and the Voice of America .

VOR broadcasts on the Internet in 33 languages and on its Website which boasts over 500 sections and is visited by people from 140 countries. Visitors can choose from on-line reports, audio, video and multimedia material.  

VOR has 109 million listeners in 160 countries. In their opinion Voice of Russia provides a convenient and democratic channel to obtain information about Russia.

VOR is a member of the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters, the European Broadcasting Union, Digital Radio Mondiale and the Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research. Many Voice of Russia programs have won the Radiomania national award. In 2008 Voice of Russia won the Runet Prize.

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